2011年12月28日 星期三


We got a gift certificate from our Secret Santa for our Xmas gift and anniversary to a very nice restaurant. I was so tuched... We enjoy very much the meal, and have a bottle of wine after dinner. Thanks, our Secret Santa!

--- Blue Crab on bread

---Waygu Burger

--- The restaurant sent us a couple of glass of champagne!

--- Happy 14th Anniversary!

---Mumm... Nice wine!

2011年12月19日 星期一



拿課的目地是為了增進英文能力。拿了二學期研究所的課,和這次的C#程式課,各有各的難度。每當同學問我念什麼學位,我都說這是沒有學位的。"I take it just for fun."



期中考考的程式很難,短短一個半小時內,根本寫不完,我有點慌了,知道考壞了。曾經因為考試難度太高寫不完,但從來也沒這麼離譜。考完後心情壞透了。想說一定是"failed"了。 結果,想不到發下來的成績竟有到80,而班上的成綪從 99-46,哇,對老師而言一定很難改了。 因為期中考的經驗,我對期末考就比較有心理準備了:預期會有另一個打擊!

呵呵呵.....期末考大出我意料之外。我不止完全寫完,還提早離開,心知不是100就是99..... 快樂得不得了。第一次在期末考考100分,這學期的總平均到95.8。真是太高興了。


2011年12月12日 星期一






我有點担心了,因為我一周只排二個班,但是別的員工都被要求最少要有三個班;我知道我是個"個例",所以跟大老闆道歉了 "I don't want to be an exception, especially if I make your job difficult."


這樣一說,我就放心了。其實,有時我就已經在做AM4的工作。正試升遷,差別就在一小時多賺25 分美元而已啦。只是不知怎麼的,從她的辦公室走出來後,我並沒有預期的喜悅,反倒覺的又多了一點的責任。












還記得念商科的妹妹想用一年的時間準備考外文系。我也是念商科,深知商職的學生只用一年的時間,要和普通高中的學生競爭大學的窄門,機會根本是微乎極微。我還記得那時的對話,妹妹心意堅定,我勸退不成,就說"好,就一年的時間。如果沒考上,就去工作吧。"當時,我真的相信妹妹這一年是要浪費了。 想不到放榜後,妹妹真的考上她想念的學校和科系。哇!我心裏十分佩服,無話可說。爸媽呢,更不用說了,妹妹是家中第一個念大學的孩子,高興驕傲不在話下。









董仔漫長的博士學位之路總算要結束了。我想回台,他想留美。所以,我們說好了折衷的方法,就是往西岸找。這樣,不管是家人來或我們回去,可以省去轉機之苦。 找工作的二個月來,他放棄了大約三分之二的機會。上周,指導老師轉來一分"語言學校主任"的工作,並暗示,如果董仔接受了,大半這份工作就是他的了。但是學校在東部,我們只好婉拒了指導老師愛才惜才的美意。現在的社會環境還是不太好,我們不免担心是否能在西岸找到合意的工作。只能盡力了。

時光匆匆,父母年紀漸邁,我不知和他們相伴的時間能有多久。結婚多年來,有時不免想,當年為什麼沒有想到遠嫁他國的分離之苦?年輕時,總覺得什麼都是有可能的,什麼都是可以克服的。從沒有想過,我們會老得這麼快。 我的父母的一生,都是為了我們這幾個孩子。無怨無悔。身為長女的我,深深體會父母對我們的愛。只是離家太遠了。一轉眼,又是好些年沒有回去。現在,我只希望等董仔找了個好的工作,穏定下來,我便能回家,好好陪爸媽一段時間。

2011年12月6日 星期二


Two jobs plus a programming class really keep me very busy this semester. After turn in the two projects tonight, I can take a short break before the final comes.

Can't wait to take a good holiday break! I'll start to update my blog soon when I have a chance.

2011年11月1日 星期二

I love Halloween

This year, we got lots little one. Some look very confused (why mom/dad knocks on strangers’ doors and why people give out candy and look at me like something fun?); and some couldn’t say “trick or treat”.

This dad tried to coach his little girl to say “trick or treat”. So, he repeated several times when I opened the door. The little girl looked at me and the candies on my hand, and mumbling “tri..tre”. So, she got it. B efore she turned back to the dad, who had a cat face, asked me” did she say it?” I said” yes, she did.” We both smile, and the father left with satisfaction.

One little girl, repeated what mom told her, and tried to close the door for me when left; another little boy, very shy, and said “treat..” (too long to remember…)

Both of us enjoyed handing out cadies and laughed after they left our door.

I saw some creative customs from kids. This 9 year old girl was a spider – she had a spider toy on her head as a hat, dressed black and coved with spider web. Some scary monsters, and some cute characters from movies/children books.

The lady, who works at my bank, with her kids showed up our door to say hallow to me. Our friends stopped by and dropped off a homemade Caramel Apple to us.

It was a fun night! I love Halloween!

---Party at friend's house. Lots creative customs.

---A homemade Caramel Apple ~~Yummy!

---Candies to give out this year. Delicious and Beautiful!

2011年10月24日 星期一



周末時,董仔建議到West Fork看看,也許葉子還沒掉光。到了West Fork,哇,人山人海,車都停到了一哩外。


在往Sedona的路上,想不到大塞車。哇,在晚上7點,真是罕見。想必是因為NAU Home Coming,帶來了一大堆遊客。



---這隻大豬公,送給娟。 :)





2011年10月20日 星期四


平時不愛運動的我,因為暑假裏學生和員工上健身房免費,同事找了一起去健身。開學時,學校把年費漲了一倍,同事遊說我在漲價前加入,可以一同去上課。 我心中猶豫了好一會,盤算著開學時董仔上學要交的費用,而且這個會員費很不便宜,但又想起暑假跌倒受傷時醫生說"你比別人嚴重是因為你平時不運動,沒有肌肉保護的闗係。。。"







2011年10月19日 星期三

Lockett Meadow this year

We had one day snow two weeks ago. The weather warmed up right the way. Don had already gone to locket Meadow once, again, brought back some beautiful pictures. He suggested this couple weeks might be the best time to see leaves changes. So we decided to check it out. We emailed some friends and most of them made it. With so many kids, the hike was so fun.

--- This time was the best view comparing to all other hikes I did.

--- A post from yoga class.

--- Doesn't he look like Steve Wonder? ^^ Sunglass & a pole...

--- Oh, kids found a new toy!

--- Parents were waiting their kid to finish playing.

--- Mustache around mouth from eating chocolate cookies what Terry made.

--- Another chocolate mustache! ^^"

--- Tried to capture leafs falling - The yellow dots are the leafs blowing by the wind.

--- Just love the contrast between deep blue and golden yellow!




2011年9月30日 星期五

In-Laws' visit

I haven't seen my parent-in-law for a long time. Since we are busy for work, nicely, they visit us a couple times a year. There were here last weekend. We did some hiking, eat out, and of course, mom made a very nice meal.

They took us to Pasto for dinner. It’s second time I went to Pasto. Don took me out for my birthday in 97, and that was the first time we celebrate my birthday together. We can remember where we sit. This time, I went to celebrate my birthday again after 14 years! Pasto almost is a “special” restaurant to me now.

We went a short hike in Kachina Trail and Jon and Lucy joined us.
Lucy made the hike more enjoyable. She walked on every rocks, and loved to jump. She fall several times during the hike and had some scratches from the falls. Well, she did cry for short time but most of time she just stood up right the way.  Good girl!

Someone walked by and took the picture for us.

Mom made a beautiful & delicious meal for us.

2011年9月27日 星期二

My BD this year

My birthday this year is very different than before. Knowing that we are moving next year. I invited some friends to celebrate my birthday together. It's first time I did that since we moved here.  It was fun.  

Not sure what I was talking about...

No sure what was so funny.. I wasn't there I guess. :) 

My piano is a big toy for kids

Beautiful gifts and cards 

2011年9月12日 星期一


We were waked up by hails hitting on the roof.  Luckily, no damage to the house or garden.

2011年9月8日 星期四



2011年8月29日 星期一

Computer Problem

In the past few months, my NB would shut down by itself. I reinstall/recovery the whole computer twice but it didn’t get much better. So, now, using computer at home is a pain – it’s slow and unstable. Finally, I called Acer customers service yesterday and hoped someone would work with me for trouble-shooting. That was a frustrating phone call. This person can only tell me “bring in so we can run the tests to find out the problem…”

Dude, I am not nearby. His suggestion is useless. I requested to speak with a “real engineer,” and he said this is his area… So, I asked "are you focusing on hardware or software?" He would not tell me.

So, I concluded he knows nothing.

How frustrating. This is one of reason I didn’t update this blog for so long. I will still working on it and see if I can get a real help.

2011年8月8日 星期一

Camping at Grand Canyon North Rim (1)

More pictures from the trip:

--- long range of the canyon

--- the light of sunset

--- Layers of canyon

--- Moon lihgt seems so bright here

--- Camp ground

--- lights on the tree

--- on the way in to the park

--- trees are waved with wind

Camping at Grand Canyon North Rim (2)

I love the camp ground in North Rim. On the weekend, although the camp ground is packed, it is still very quiet at night. We got very lucky this time - it is monsoon season but not only we didn't get any rain; the breath was cool and gentle. I love the feeling setting next to camp fire with companies. Either we talk or just being silent, the peaceful feeling makes me very relaxing. Of course, the perfect S'mores is always fun and the highlight of the day!

--- Saw a group Bison on the way out

--- Camp Ground

--- Noah played with soil and made a dirty face

--- I had my sandal on...

--- Another beautiful sunset

--- Try to capture the enormous of the canyon